How can operator habits affect forklift/product damage?

We all know the affects that even a small habit or behavior can have on our everyday lives. Look at how easily a bad eating habit can turn into weight gain which can lead to health problems and so on. We also know that a small change in that behavior can quickly change weight gain into weight loss. And if you use a “tool” to assist you with that change (i.e. food tracker or fitness tracker, etc.) then behavioral change can be that much easier, and your chances of success become higher.

Lift truck/Machine operators are no different. In fact, the smallest poor habit on a lift truck can become very costly and may result in premature wear, or major damage to the forklift, product and infrastructure. And if these “habits” are left unchecked or unmanaged they can escalate into an unsafe working environment.

So how can I reinforce or change operator habits?

Providing lift truck operators with tools that assists them with their “habits” can have a huge impact in creating a safe working environment.

Increase operator accountability

With a forklift access control feature, all authorized personnel need to enter their unique employee code or scan their proximity card/FOB in order to start the vehicle or machine. Every event that is recorded is now associated with that employee thus ensuring accountability. This accountability is further increased with the daily OSHA safety check feature that the operator must complete at the start of each shift.

Clearly define acceptable forklift/machinery condition & procedures

This accountability is further increased with the daily OSHA safety check feature that the operator must complete at the start of each shift. While OSHA does provide a set of guidelines for inspecting your equipment, it is very important that you use this guideline to create a companywide standard that is specific to your unique working environment. Work with your JHSC to determine what the safe standard is for every safety question asked and for each type of equipment, and share these expectations with your operators.

Monitor operator behaviours

To increase operator accountability, it is helpful if you can track whom and when a specific operator is using a specific machine. It is also important that you track the fact that they have completed the required OSHA safety checks. Tracking and recording all the exceptions (failed safety questions) and what steps were taken to restore your equipment to a safe operating condition is the final step to ensure those behaviours result in a safe outcome.

Utilizing a tool like Start-Manager’s intuitive web portal with the SM301 units, you company, can easily verify whom and when an operator has used a specific unit and pull reports on all activity. You can then work with the operators to point out specific issues or reinforce certain good behaviors.

Contact Start-Manager for more info:

Call: 1-800-674-9320
