Start-Manager Logo

Making high tech safety devices accessible for everyone

Our Story

Welcome To Start-Manager!

Start-Manager Inc. was born after asking ourselves a couple of simple questions:

In the age of smart phones and google why aren’t safety related electronic devices widely used and accepted in most industrial applications? 

The answer(s) to this question was surprising……. too expensive, too complicated, won’t survive industrial environments, too much data (data overload). 

So we asked the biggest brains we could find….. Can we produce a robust, easy to use, device that automates important safety procedures? 

More importantly, can we make it affordable?

After 2 years of research and development (and a lot of hard work), we are happy to tell you that we can do all of this and more.

We are proud to introduce Start-Manager’s new line of access control and OSHA safety check compliance tools.


Our Vision

Making high tech safety devices accessible for everyone

Our Mission

Be a low cost provider

Provide the best technology available

Produce easy to support products

Provide a high quality customer experience

Our Team
Start-Manager Founders

Our founders consist of two legendary sales heroes and one tech god.

Company news:
Y combinator
  • In August 2018 Start-Manager Inc. was accepted into the prestigious Start-Up school at Y Combinator in Silicon Valley. 
  • September 24th 2018:  Start-Manager Inc. has officially launched. 
Our Team
  • Over 30 years of Forklift and Material Handling experience
  • Over 25 years in computer engineering and design
  • An unwavering commitment to the perfect customer experience 

Contact us Today!

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